player equipment

Walnut Creek Baseball provides:

  • Hat and Jersey
  • Catcher gear and catcher mitt for 1st Grade and older (you may use your own)
  • Batting Tee for 1st Grade and younger
  • Game balls
  • Scorebook for 3rd Grade and older

Parents need to provide:

  • Baseball Glove
  • Baseball Bat - WCB allows Big Barrel bats
  • Baseball Pants
    • With input from parents, coaches should determine what color to choose for pants.  All players should have the same color pants on their team.  White or Gray is the most common choice for pant color.
  • Socks
    • Choose a sock color that complements the jersey color.
  • Belt
    • Choose a belt color that complements the jersey color.
  • Cleats (not required but are highly recommended for 3rd Grade and older.
    • Only 8th-9th Grade is allowed to wear metal cleats.
  • Helmet (WCB recommends parents purchase a helmet)

Coaches need to provide:

  • Practice balls
  • Throw-down bases if not practicing on a WCB field