coaching at Walnut creek baseball

Anyone wanting to coach at WCB must Register as a Volunteer Coach or Assistant Coach in WCB's TeamSideline system.  This process serves three functions:  (1) Background Check (2) Code of Conduct Acknowledgement (3) Registering in the system so a coach can be added to a team's roster.  To complete this process, click on the following link for instructions:

Registering as a Volunteer coach at WCB

June 15th - Deadline to Register as a Volunteer Coach at WCB

Without the dedicated coaches that volunteer their time to the youth of WCB, we could not play the game.  Being a coach is also a big responsibility as the youth look up to you and they will follow your direction and leadership.  Coaches at WCB are required to set a good example and are required to follow the WCB Code of Conduct.  This includes acting in a professional manner and with good sportsmanship at all times, even when a situation you might encounter tests your limits and fortitude.  Remember, young eyes are watching and ask yourself how you would want to be seen in those eyes and the eyes of the parents around you.  Volunteer coaches are the heart of the WCB Rec League and it is a privilege that comes with great responsibility.